To avail this opportunity join our quora space click here to join IOQM BOOSTER in our quora space

Hello students, to boost your IOQM preparation we have decided to provide you a 20 days booster course in our quora space, we will be uploading questions related to PRMO and RMO with or without solution every 4 hours starting from 8 AM to to 12 PM.We hope for your participation.

Moreover important theories will be uploaded at the beginning of one section.

We will be dividing the 20 days into division of 5 section each.

Section 1


Section 2

Number theory

Section 3


Section 4


Section 5

IMC sample paper questions and IMC level 1 questions. (Total 20 questions from IMC), Sample questions.

ON LAST SECTION our frequency of uploading questions will increase to 2 hours per question

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